笔记本法5 分钟阅读

笔记本法<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">5</span> 分钟阅读</span>
阅读时间: 4 分钟

考虑这个熟悉的场景. 新学年就要开始了. The list of supplies again called for a high stack of 3-ring binders (notebooks) and tabs to organize each of them. 如果你是新来的, 或者即使你不是, 你可能会叹气, 摇一摇头, 和奇迹, “为什么有这么多笔记本?”. 为什么我们不能直接拿文件夹? 或者那些小的螺旋笔记本? 什么是家庭作业笔记本? 这和主题笔记本有什么不同? 为什么我需要买100页? 这么多规则!

欢迎来到黎明. 欢迎来到原则性方法!

Dayspring Christian Academy is unique among Christian schools because the standards we keep go beyond the traditional. 原则方法 is a method of education, using the subjects as vehicles to behold God’s glory! One of the ways it accomplishes this lofty goal is by using the Notebook Method.


The Foundation for Christian Education’s (FACE) 网站 outlines the Notebook Method this way: “原则方法 method of education is the manner of consistent and ordered teaching and learning that produces Christian character and self-government, Christian scholarship and 圣经 reasoning for lifelong learning and discipleship.”

笔记本法 assists parents and teachers in overseeing progress and visually demonstrates the character development, 勤奋, 以及学生的责任.

笔记本法 assists parents and teachers in overseeing progress and visually demonstrates the character development, 勤奋, 以及学生的责任.

The notebook method is an essential component to the Principle Approach that governs the teacher and student in their participation in each subject. It establishes a consistent tool and standard of Christian scholarship. The learners are producers as they build their own daily record of a subject, 掌握学习过程的主动权. The notebook method embraces the four steps of learning: re搜索, reason, relate, and record. It aids in the 圣经 purposes of education by “enlightening the understanding, 纠正脾气, and forming the habits of youth that fit him for usefulness in his future station” (excerpted from the 韦氏1828年词典 教育的定义). The notebook method is the product of the student’s creativity and a permanent record of his productivity. It assists parents and teachers in overseeing progress and visually demonstrates the character development, 勤奋, 以及学生的责任.

Traditional schools employ methods that often involve regurgitation of learning with the end goal of test mastery. After the test is over, there is very little, if any, record of learning. 笔记本法 is in keeping with the Principle Approach’s philosophy of “consistent and ordered teaching and productivity.当一个孩子完成了一门课程, 他对自己所学的知识有完整的记录, and has a visual representation of his accomplishments.


再一次,基督教教育基金会 网站 提供了笔记本方法的好处:

* The curriculum is structured by 圣经 principles and leading ideas. 它荣耀神是主题的创造者.
* The Notebook produces a permanent record of learning. The student values his labor and is able to refer back to his study. Parents see what is being taught, required, and can supervise the child’s progress.
*《BCK体育注册官网》产生反思性理解. Essay tests require an understanding of principles and concepts. 学生自己推理并解决问题.
* The Notebook produces philomaths—people who love and pursue a lifetime of learning.
* The burden of learning rests on the student, not on the teacher!

那么笔记本方法是如何工作的? And…what exactly is the difference between a Homework Notebook and a 主题 Notebook?

Think of the Homework Notebook as the record of current learning. It houses all of the work a student is working on currently, 以及家庭和学校之间的沟通. The Homework Notebook should have a tab for each subject, 以及家庭作业标签和家庭通讯标签. 有些老师还会提供家长评论标签, which contains work that is finished and meant to “show off” to the parent. Students who wish to keep their Homework Notebooks electronically must still have a notebook to house hard copies. Electronic Notebooks must be orderly, with separate folders for each subject. The same principles of the Notebook Method apply to electronically kept notebooks!

主题 Notebooks are the permanent record of a student's learning.

主题 Notebooks are the permanent record of a student’s learning.

主题 Notebooks are the permanent record of learning spoken about in FACE’s description. 当学生完成一个单元的学习, they remove the finished work from the Homework Notebook and file it into the proper tabs in the 主题 Notebook. Upper School students have the choice to use one 主题 Notebook per subject, 或者使用更大的笔记本,可以容纳几个主题. The key is not to file work into the 主题 Notebook before it is graded and finished. 到今年年底, a properly filed 主题 Notebook is a treasure trove of learning to be kept by the student for further referral or simply to keep as a memento of his accomplishment.

笔记法是学者的一种方法. It is counterintuitive to today’s culture of quick returns, 即时信息, 在表面上学习. 这需要纪律和职业道德. 但最终,花时间和精力是值得的. Set aside shelves in your home for your child’s notebooks. 看着他的藏书年复一年地增长, 从毕业以后就知道这一点, he will have a permanent record of his education at Dayspring. 这是非常有价值的, as each Notebook will chronicle your child’s growing “in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” in order to give Him “the glory both now and to the day of eternity.(彼得后书3:18)